In-grown toenails can be very painful. Whether they’re caused by improper nail cutting technique, nail trauma or structural issues of the foot, ingrowing nails can cause throbbing pain, swelling, and increase the risk of infection. Fortunately, podiatrists are skilled in treating in-grown nails and helping prevent them recurring.
In most cases, ingrown toenails can be treated with routine care by a podiatrist. We trim and reshape the nail and keep nail-folds clear of callous. We remove in-growing spicules before they start to cause pain and thin down thickened nails to reduce the risk of further in-growth. Our treatments are provided with care and precision, ensuring you’re as comfortable as possible.
We also focus on long-term solutions to prevent recurrence.
In some cases, nail bracing is the best prevention option. This innovative treatment involves gently attaching a composite material to the nails and curing it with an LED light. The brace stays on the surface of the nail for several months, keeping it growing in the correct shape and reshaping the pathway for future growth. The procedure is non-invasive, quick and pain-free. The brace is small and unobtrusive. It does not prevent the use of nail polish, if desired.
Nail bracing is a good alternative if nail surgery is not right for you, whether you’re pregnant, have a needle phobia or are living with a high-risk foot condition.
In more severe cases, in-growing nails are best prevented with a minor surgical procedure which removes part or all of the affected nail. This is known as a partial nail avulsion (PNA) or, more rarely, a total nail avulsion (TNA). A PNA is usually performed to treat severe pain, swelling and/or chronic infection that has not improved with conservative treatments such as daily saline soaks, good hygiene practices, appropriate footwear and antibiotic therapy. When an in-grown toenail keeps returning despite these efforts, a podiatrist may recommend a PNA as a more permanent solution.
While the term “surgery” can be off-putting, a PNA doesn’t require a hospital or a general anaesthetic. The procedure is done in-clinic with your podiatrist. The procedure requires local anaesthetic only. It is far less invasive than traditional nail surgeries, such as a wedge resection. In most cases, our PNAs result in minimal post-operative discomfort.
After treatment, we provide guidance on how to care for your feet to reduce the risk of ingrown nails returning. We equip you with the strategies you need to keep your feet healthy and lower the risk of in-growing nails returning.
Remember, ignoring an in-grown toenail can lead to infections and other complications, so it's best to seek treatment early. North Star Podiatry is dedicated to providing fast relief and comprehensive care for this painful condition.